Source: Erasure poem from page 26 of Flowers in the Attic, by V.C.Andrews.
Source: Remixed poem from page 19 of Flowers in the Attic, by V.C.Andrews.
Robin Anna Smith

6 thoughts on “”

  1. I love both haiku and they interact with the illustration/artwork, and keep coming back to this one in particular:

    trembling cadence
    mother’s tongue
    in her hands

    I find this quite haunting, as women and mothers are under attack more and more due to religious insolence or intolerance (all or most religions). As men we quickly forget we owe a lifelong debt to those who gave birth to us. Those who appear to enjoy their lives should remember it was a gift, and respect all women, regardless of race, culture, creed, religion, whether they are mothers (having given birth, or adopted or fostered) or in the workplace striving to make this human aspect of planet life a little less insane and a little more safe, fingers crossed.

    deep bow,
    Alan (male, cis, several mothers, all played their part, and I’m still here, open to learning)


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